Explorer Edge

On the 17th of March 2015, Microsoft announced that Microsoft Edge would be replacing Internet Explorer. Consequently, support for Internet Explorer 10 was terminated in late January 2020. Microsoft Edge was released in 2015. Feb 22, 2021 The reimagined web Explore amazing new websites built in collaboration with Internet Explorer. From the slopes of Mount Everest to the stunning world of Contre Jour, experience the beauty of the web in Internet Explorer. See the sites Don't miss out Make Internet Explorer your default browser. Surf the web with the fast, fluid, perfect for.


Published: December 14, 2020
Updated: February 2, 2021

Please go here to search for your product's lifecycle.


Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) is a component of the Windows operating system and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed. For customers who have business-critical, line-of-business apps running on IE 11 today, IE 11 continues to be a supported browser.

However, to enable a better, more innovative online experience, we encourage customers to move to Microsoft Edge. With Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge, you can standardize on one browser -- seamlessly experiencing a modern website in one tab while accessing a legacy IE 11 website in another.

Is microsoft edge a browserExplorer Edge

Download Latest Microsoft Edge For Win 10

Download music from ipod to itunes for mac. We have announced that these Microsoft apps and services will no longer support Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) as of the below dates. The recommended browser is Microsoft Edge.Go here to download.

Web app or serviceIE11 no longer supported*
Microsoft Teams web appNovember 30, 2020
Azure DevOpsDecember 31, 2020
Azure Portal web appMarch 31, 2021
Microsoft 365 apps and services
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Microsoft Power Platform
Microsoft Power Platform
My suite of products (such as My Apps, My Account, My Access, and My Groups)
August 17, 2021

*Note: Using Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge will not extend IE 11 access to Microsoft apps and services beyond the dates listed above.

For customers using IE 11 to access Microsoft apps and services, or using the legacy version of Microsoft Edge, support options are available to help transition to Microsoft Edge.

  • Customers with Microsoft Unified Support can reach out to that support service for help transitioning to Microsoft Edge.

  • For customers looking to plan, deploy, or adopt Microsoft Edge, there's FastTrack.FastTrack is available to customers with 150 or more paid seats of Windows 10 Enterprise. To get started, submit a Request forAssistance through the FastTrack site.

  • For customers who prefer to get started on their own, self-guided deployment and configuration materials, including a series from Microsoft Mechanics, are available on Docs.

How Do I Update Microsoft Edge