Evernote For Real Estate

Obviously the vast majority of this book is on automizing your life so you are more productive. However, you don’t want to “automize” yourself at the expense of security. As they say it’s better to be effective than efficient.

First let me start by saying that I value security to the upmost. I work at a bank and have had a top-security security clearance when I was in the military. So please don’t feel that I’m just another blogger with an opinion on this issue.

Using Evernote for real estate Create a dedicated notebook for each customer Creating a notebook for each customer you deal with offers better organization and easy searching. You can store every kind of information you need in Evernote– notes, interviews or other audio recordings, photos,. Evernote, in particular, provides agents with capabilities that are light-years beyond traditional note-taking. Here’s what I mean: Client Notebooks – Real estate agents can create a comprehensive log of everything by grouping notes by client, effectively crafting individual, digital notebooks. Use your client notebook to store anything. Using Evernote will revolutionize the way you run your real estate business. You can order Dean's book here or on any of the links above. At $19.95, it's a fraction of the cost of some things I've seen offered teaching how to make Evernote work in your business. And it will pay for itself quite a few times over.

Evernote Business تعاون بشكل أكثر فاعلية باستخدام أدوات إدارية فعالة. $14.99 / للمستخدم / شهريًا.

Second let me say that personally I feel getting bank statements and anytime of document in the mail is one of the riskiest things you could do. Additionally, anything you even keep in paper format is inherently insecure. Therefore, storing it electronically within a password protected system is probably more secure than what you are doing now.

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Now let’s take a deep-dive into Evernote security.

Evernote For Real Estate

Data Ownership

Evernote For Real Estate

A big selling point for Evernote is that you own the data. Evernote is simply organizing and securing the data.

Access History

This was a huge selling point for me that is not offered by any other service I tried. Evernote offers you the ability to look at where you data is being accessed.

Two-Step Authentication

This is optional but there is no good reason not to do this. Evernote is going to be on your iPad, iPhone, Macbook, you Mac at home, et cetera. Even if its just to keep your kids out you should enable two-factor authentication. It’s super-easy to do as it takes less than 60 seconds.

Evernote Encryption

If you have read this far you know that I am a big fan of sharing documents and folders within Evernote. To repeat, these people only have access to what you are sharing, not everything you have within Evernote. If you have something that you need extra secure, but you still want to share it you can choose to encrypt the data. You can encrypt anything you are sharing. To do this follow these steps: Highlight the data you want encrypted Right-Click Select “Encrypt selected text” Enter a password Now to few that information you and whoever else has access to this information has to have that password.

Evernote Storage

This is less of a security issue than a piece of mind issue. Evernote is stored both locally (on your actual device) and in the cloud. That means that if your machine (computer, phone, iPad, etc.) crashed it is backed-up in the cloud. Evernote’s cloud servers are backed-up as well. This means there is basically always three back-ups for anything you put into Evernote.

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I discovered Evernote not too long ago. I guess it's been about a year. But as with most people who love Evernote, I was totally in the dark as to how great it truly is! The app's official site, www.Evernote.com, offers a tutorial. But that alone did not make it clear to me how it could help me in my day to day.


A month ago I discovered a fabulous book about Evernote and Real Estate, put together. It's Dean Ouellette's Evernote for Real Estate ebook. It has now become my go-to manual for using Evernote in my business.

Dean does a great job of explaining things. The first part of his book focuses on Evernote features and how the app actually functions. Although I read it and found it useful, this part was not my favorite. I already had my account set up and was using Evernote regularly.

It was the second half of Dean's book that really intrigued me. And Dean did not disappoint! The 2nd half of his Evernote book gives details of how he uses Evernote daily to manage his real estate business. Real, honest to goodness ways that Evernote can help you organize your client management systems and make it easier for you to get through your work day.

Dean explains specifically how he uses Evernote to work with both buyers and sellers. How he uses templates to keep continuity in his systems. He even provides a few sample templates so you can use them. I love his ideas for linking files within Evernote so you can have everything at your fingertips when looking at a client file. Sharing these files with the client is a snap and that's explained as well. Imagine no more weekly updates required. A client can check on the shared Evernote notebook at any time and see everything you've been up to regarding the sale or purchase of their home. They can access the contract and addenda as you can add these as well. No more lost files for the customer or having to ask for a re-send from you. This is ingenious!

Dean was able to give up a short sale management software that cost him hundreds of dollars a year and replace it with Evernote premium (at a cost of $45/year). This inspired me to speak to my preferred title agent about doing the same with her short sale transactions. She and I will be meeting next week so I can share a bit more about Evernote and how it can help her get more done and cut down on the follow up calls and emails she gets from both listing and selling agents.

For those not ready to pay $45 for the premium version of Evernote, there's good news. Evernote basic is totally free and the functionality is just as good. I upgraded to premium because I wanted some folks to be able to edit the files I share with them. But the free version allows linking and sharing, so you could still implement a client management system and not have to pay a cent. How's that for value?

If I had to give up every single app out there except one, I'd choose Evernote. I am fond of saying that if you're not jumping up and down when you speak about Evernote, then you're not using Evernote fully. It's THAT good! This book will do a great job of filling in the blanks the Evernote tutorials leave. You will wonder no more what the fuss is about. Using Evernote will revolutionize the way you run your real estate business.

Evernote For Real Estate The Complete Guide

You can order Dean's book here or on any of the links above. At $19.95, it's a fraction of the cost of some things I've seen offered teaching how to make Evernote work in your business. And it will pay for itself quite a few times over. Dean even gives a 30 day 110% guarantee. How's that for a guarantee?

Disclaimer: this is an affiliate link. I LOVED Dean's book so much, I chose to promote it.

Evernote For Real Estate Agents

Evernote For Real Estate

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